Community Protection Plan - AB617

AB617 is purposed with establishing a Community Air Protection Program.
The goal of AB617 is to reduce exposure in communities most impacted by air pollution.

Completed projects as of August 9, 2022
Projects in progress as of August 9, 2022
The Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District remains committed to enhancing its public outreach and encouraging community engagement in the District's Community Air Protection Program. Those who have suggestions or concerns for projects may contact Julie McKeehan ( at the District.
Eligible Programs & Project Types
- Deployment of Air Monitoring Systems
- Zero Emission On-road and Off-road Mobile Equipment including Stationary Equipment
- EV Charging & Alternative Fueling'Infrastructure
- Zero Emission Lawn & Garden Equipment Replacements (public schools only)
- Air Filtration Projects (public schools only)
- Zero Emission School Transportation (public schools only)
- Replacement of Composit Wood Materials (public schools only)
CAP Incentives Guidelines Policies & Procedures
Community Participation/Feedback - We want to hear from you!
Community Groups and Community Members can suggest other programs and projects that will reduce exposure to air pollution and provide direct benefit to their community. Please email Julie McKeehan (, or call (661) 723-8070 ext. 28, or visit our office in person. You can also participate by completing the survey.
AB 617 Community Survey
Once downloaded, please fill out and save the survey. You can submit it via Email to Julie McKeehan (,) or alternatively you can also print it out and mail it to the district or deliver in-person by visting the AVAQMD office.
To Learn more about AB617 please use the following links below:
AB617 Presentation Slides - This presentation was presented by our Executive Director Bret Banks, on March 20, 2018 at the Governing Board meeting.
Community Air Protection Program Information Website
Additionally you may also contact CARB regarding this program via Email: