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Commercial Lawn & Garden Equipment Replacement Program

Zero-Emission Lawn & Garden Equipment Replacement Program

Various green lawn and garden tools including mowers, trimmers, and a ride-on mower.
Eligible equipment grants: Chainsaws up to $700, Leaf Blowers up to $1,400, Walk Behind Mowers up to $1,500, Ride-on Mowers up to $15,000.

Eligible Applicants

This Program is open to Commercial Applicants located in the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (AVAQMD). Commercial Applicants include public and private entities, landscapers, cities, non-profit organizations, schools, and businesses including small business and sole proprietors.

Commercial applicants must own and operate functioning commercial grade combustion L&GE equipment, provide proof of 50 percent of operations within the AVAQMD, proof of ownership and proof of operations of the existing combustion L&GE for the past 24 months.

         Acceptable Documentation:

  • Business License; and/or
  • Service Contract(s); and/or
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN)


  • Bill of Sales(s) and/or
  • Parts Purchase Receipt(s)

Applicant Requirements

  • Submit Commercial L&GE application to replace operational combustion L&GE with new, cordless, zero-emission electric L&GE
  • Pass operability inspection of combustion L&GE
  • Make no purchase of electric L&GE until after receiving grant approval.
  • Purchase from a AVAQMD or CORE approved manufacturer or merchant.
  • Purchase new, not used or previously owned or factory reconditioned L&GE
  • Purchase new zero-emission L&GE of the same type as the combustion L&GE being replaced
  • Ensure minimum of one-year manufacturer warranty
  • Agree to enter into a 3-year contract/agreement with the AVAQMD to own, operate and maintain electric L&GE for a minimum of 3 years
  • Agree to surrender combustion L&GE to District authorized Salvage Contractor within 30 days of receiving new electric L&GE
  • Report annually on the usage and performance of the new L&GE during the contract term (min. 3 yrs.)

Payment of Grant

Grant payment is issued directly to Grantee/Applicant as a reimbursement of cost incurred after funding approval.  In addition Grantee must accepted delivery of new, electric L&GE, schedule a post-delivery inspection with the AVAQMD, and have surrendered old combustion equipment to the District authorized Salvage Contractor.

The following items are needed to process grant payment:

  • Final invoice
  • Copy of warranty
  • Proof/Receipt of combustion L&GE surrendered to Salvage Contractor
  • Proof of payment in full or Proof of Grantee’s portion of payment if financing is used. Grantee may only finance their cost share portion. The entire grant amount must be applied.

Application Review / Project Approval Process

Project applications for L&GE replacement projects are accepted on an open basis.  Applicants shall be notified as to any missing information within 30 working days of submittal.  If available program funds may be insufficient, the applicant will be informed immediately. Applicant may decide to be placed on a waitlist or withdraw application or follow up and reapply at a later time when funds may be available.

Eligible projects will be recommended to the District Governing Board (the Board) for funding consideration on a first come, first served basis. If the number of applications exceed available funding, projects shall be selected based on local needs, goals, and priorities as determined by District management and staff.

Commercial l&ge program application


For questions and concerns, please contact (661) 723-8070 Ext. 28