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$1,000 for your 1998 or older Car/Truck/Van

Old Car Buyback and Scrap Program - What you will need to sell your vehicle:

Disclaimer: This Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement (VAVR) Program is locally implemented by the Antelope Valley AQMD, not operated by the State of California.  Your participation is entirely voluntary.  Purchased vehicles will be dismantled.

Dollar sign and a car for rebate information
  • Passenger vehicles 10,000 lbs. or less.
  • Vehicle must be driven to auto dismantler site.
  • In good operating condition
  • DMV registration history showing owned and operated for the past 24 months.  Some exceptions apply as detailed below.     Click here to obtain your DMV registration history online.
  • Clear California Title with no liens.
  • Take and pass smog check if within 60 days of required smog.
  • Pass vehicle inspection test as detailed below.

To sell your vehicle, please call Coast Auto Salvage at (661) 942-3737 for eligibility.  Program operator will determine eligibility, coordinate all paperwork and payment, and, answer any questions.  

A list of most recent vehicles accepted into the program is listed here.

Weekly Vehicles Inventory 3-20-25.pdf



Eligible Vehicle Model Years:

The vehicle must be a 1998 or older passenger car or a light duty pickup truck that includes, but is not limited to, a pick-up truck, sports utility vehicle (SUV), or van up to 10,000 pounds gross vehicular weight rating.

DMV Registration History:

The vehicle must be currently registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) as an operable vehicle and shall have been so registered for at least twenty-four (24) consecutive months prior to the final date of sale to the Old Car Buy Back Program, to an address or addresses within the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District jurisdiction. Smog Checks must be performed as required by the DMV in order for the vehicle to be considered registered.
A vehicle may also be eligible if the owner of the vehicle placed the vehicle in planned non-operational status per Vehicle Code Section 4604, et seq., for a total of (2) or fewer months during the continuous twenty-four (24) months registration period and occurring at least three (3) months prior to the date of sale to the Old Car Buy Back and Scrap Program.

A vehicle may also be eligible if the registration has lapsed for less than one-hundred-and-eighty-one (181) days during the previous twenty-four (24) months and all appropriate registration fees and late penalties have been paid to the DMV, provided that the vehicle is registered for at least ninety (90) days immediately prior to its date of sale to the Old Car Buy Back and Scrap Program.

Determination of an individual vehicle's registration history shall be based on registration data for that vehicle, obtained from DMV records. If DMV registration data provide inconclusive results for an individual vehicle, then copies of the applicable vehicle registration certificate may be used.  Click here to view sample DMV registration history.

 Click here to obtain your DMV registration history online.

Vehicle Title:

The vehicle must have a clear California title with no liens.

Smog Requirements:

  1. The vehicle cannot be operating under a Smog Check repair cost waiver or economic hardship extension.
  2. A vehicle must pass the most recent biennial Smog Checks required by California DMV in order to be considered eligible for participation in the Old Car Buy Back and Scrap Program.
  3. If a vehicle is within sixty-one to ninety (61-90) days of its next required Smog Check Inspection, the vehicle is not required to have a Smog Check Inspection. But, if the Smog Check Inspection is performed in this sixty-one to ninety (61-90) day time frame, the vehicle must pass the inspection.
  4. If a vehicle is within sixty (60) days of its next required Smog Check Inspection, the vehicle must take and pass the Smog Check Inspection without receiving a repair cost waiver or economic hardship extension. Owners of vehicles requiring Smog Check Inspections will be required to submit documentation issued by a licensed Smog Check station demonstrating compliance with this requirement. The documentation must be submitted to the vehicle dismantler performing the functional and equipment eligibility inspection.

Vehicle Inspection Requirements:

The vehicle dismantler will only purchase your vehicle for the Old Car Buy Back and Scrap Program if it meets the following requirements. These requirements are taken from the Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement (VAVR) Program Guidelines.

  • The vehicle must have been driven to the dismantler site under its own power.

The vehicle dismantler will inspect the vehicle to ensure it meets the following requirements and must reject the vehicle if the vehicle fails any one of these requirements: 

  • All doors must be present and in place.
  • The hood shall be present and in place.
  • The dashboard shall be in place.
  • Windshield shall be present and in place.
  • The driver's seat must be present and in place.
  • Interior pedals shall be operational.
  • One bumper and all side and /or quarter panels shall be present and in place.
  • Vehicle drivability must not be affected by anybody, steering or suspension damage.
  • Exhaust system shall be present and in place.
  • One headlight, one taillight and one brake light shall be present and in place.]
  • One side window glass shall be present and in place.
  • The emission control system must not show obvious signs of tampering, such as missing catalytic converter.

Vehicle Inspection Test:

Insert key, vehicle engine must start using keyed ignition system. In addition to the keyed ignition switch, ignition or fuel kill switch may be activated if required to start engine. The vehicle must start readily through ordinary means without the use of starting fluids or external booster batteries. The vehicle shall be driven forward for a minimum of 25 feet under its own power. The vehicle shall be driven in reverse for a minimum of 25 feet under its own power.